Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Talking With Our Professor

Web Conference Reflection

There must have been at least 90 to 100 students participating in the Web Conference on Sunday, March 6, 2011. TK20 was one of the main topics and it is now the official electronic portfolio software of Lamar University. Lamar University is encouraging all students to purchase the software. Other things that occurred during the web conference were as follows:

· Exchange of Information

· Questions and Answers

· Students answering other student’s questions

· Cameras were moving

· Sound was going in and out

· Moments of silence

· Different students asked the same questions

· Questions about TK20

· Questions on the purchase of books for the class

Dr. Abernathy answered as many questions as she could and questions about the assignment and articles for the week. Questions about creating a wiki was asked and Dr. Abernathy clarified that we did not have to do a wiki. I enjoyed the web conference and overall it was helpful.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Technology Plan of Action

Action Plan

District Goal:

· To ensure that Career and Technology programs are developed to meet the needs of future careers.

· To ensure all facilities provide a proper learning environment for our students.

· To ensure that CTE training and equipment are updated to meet current industry and business standards.

· To review, develop and market relevant high-quality CTE programs at every campus in our district.

· To develop clearly defined career pathway course sequences in order to ensure that students graduate with appropriate credentials for employment.

Campus Goal:

· Teachers will integrate grade level technology TEKS a minimum of once every six weeks. Through lessons, projects and presentations, students will demonstrate mastery of technology TEKS.


· All students will be exposed to a computer-based activity a minimum of once six weeks.

· All 8th grade students will complete Career Cruising activities through the Technology Applications and Career Investigation course by the end of each semester.

All subject areas will integrate technology into their curriculum. Every teacher will schedule computer lab time once every six weeks. The Computer Technology Coordinator (CTC) will work collaboratively with content area teachers to develop lessons where technology is integrated once per six weeks. All 8th grade students have been placed in a Career and Technology course where Career Cruising will be completed. College tutors will provide afterschool tutoring using TAKS software to provide support. By the end of the school year 50% of the staff will integrate technology into lessons a minimum of once every 4 weeks. By the end of the school year 25% of the staff will increase their technology competency by one level as determined by the Teacher STaR Chart on the area of Teaching and Learning. During the 2010-2011 school year 5% of teachers will develop and present Technology Integration lessons/strategies to faculty or at conferences.

By the end of 2010-2011 school year 1/3 of all computer hardware will be increased or replaced with new units. By the end of 2010-2011 school year 1/3 of all computer hardware or software will be updated. Old teacher laptops white Mac books 13” BoB’s will be re-imaged and distributed to the Math Department for Fastt Math instruction.

District and Campus

Technology Leadership Roles:

School Board Trustees- Responsible for asking questions about the school district and making informative decisions about technology and technology development.

Superintendent- Inform the school board of district technology needs and challenges. Responsible for directing the technology budget and ensuring that technology is a priority in the school district. Provides campus administrators with access to district resources needed to achieve goals and objectives. Follows and re-enforces the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

District Executive Technology Director- Organizes and implements the District Technology Plan. Supervises technology departments, faculty and decisions. Responsible for allocation of funds and Technology Budget. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

District Director of Instructional Technology- Provides district technology professional development for all stakeholders in the district. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Responsible for district campus technology integration and assistance with new equipment training sessions.

Administration- Collaborate with district Director of Technology and Director of instructional Technology to stay informed of changes or additions to the usage of technology. Collaborate with CTC in order that the faculty receives training on the usage of technology in their classrooms to increase student learning. Tentatively set date for on-going technology training and meetings. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Model and support the use of technology to all stakeholders.

Campus Technology Coordinator- Presents staff development training on new programs and promotes technology usage on campus. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Help, support, and troubleshoot with teachers, administrators and students on issues or problems concerning technology.

Campus Technology Cadre- Model technology usage in faculty training sessions. Help and support technology integration and the significance of its usage in the classroom. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

Teachers- Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration. Integrating technology by enhancing and enriching curriculum with a variety of technology tools. Exposing students to the new digital age and the internet. Model technology usage to students. Seek professional growth by attending technology workshops. Teach cyber ethics and internet safety.

Integrating Technology

Professional Development Plan

Our campus received a recognized rating on the AEIS report this last year and our campus is striving to reach exemplary rating this coming year. The data of the Texas STaR Chart report shows that level of progress decreased from the year 2007-2008 to 2008-2009. Our school campus decreased from advanced tech to develop tech. Other data reviewed in order to improve our decision-making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership were the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020, AEIS, AYP, District Technology Plan, District Technology Improvement Plan, Campus Technology Improvement Plan, NCLB, Texas STaR Chart and Interviews with the Principal, Campus Technology Coordinator, Teacher member of the SBDM and two students. The purpose of this plan is to develop a source of helpful information on professional development in technology integration as well as sharing best practices of current lesson plan that demonstrate effective uses of technology that align with the TEKS. Professional Development Planning is designed for professional growth options for groups of teachers, students, parents and staff. The topics will be Smart Boards, Web Page update, Fastt Math, Study Island, Gaggle and Net trekker presentation for the year 2010-2011 tentative. The presenters are the technology cadres and the funds available are $5,000. The action plan strategy is technology. The targets are teachers, parents and students will make use of the program to keep abreast of strategies. Focus on Differentiated Instruction and lessoning planning for the year 2010-2011. The presenters are instructional leadership team and the funds available are $10,000. The action plan strategy is technology. Students will utilize the program to improve TAKS scores is the target. The area to focus on is the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference for spring 2011. The funds available are $5,000. The action plan strategy is to enhance student achievement in all core subjects. The target is to improve student achievement on all core TAKS tests. In addition to the staff development collaboration and to follow up on the staff development session, in the next four faculty meetings a brief presentation from one of the core subjects will occur using technology on one unit they enriched. Our faculty really responds well to any brief presentation about what others teachers are doing to make their lessons more engaging and relevant for our students. Teachers are extremely creative and innovative in their lessons and when they are given time to work together the possibilities are endless. It also motivates those teachers who a little hesitate to try new things.

Progress Assessment

Evaluation For Action Plan

Follow up for the professional development will consist of: Administrative walk-through and observations with positive feedback, common lesson plans (departments), department meetings and sharing success, and principal /or science teacher support.

Administrators will be responsible for the walk-through and observations with positive feedback. Administrators will document their walk-through in Euphoria. Euphoria is an evaluation format that is filled out by administrators after they have done a walk-through or yearly evaluation. The format lends itself for writing comments. This section in the comments area will be used for constructive criticism. The timeline for the walk-through will be once every month.

Lesson plans will be created within the respective departments and a follow up with the various resources. Departmental lesson plans will include at least one differentiated technology lesson every 3 to 4 weeks. Lesson plan will be submitted to the assistant principal three weeks in advance for review.

Using the various resources, teachers within the departments will share any successes or help with any circumstances that might help teachers become successful. With advance notice, the Technology Specialist or member of the Campus Technology Cadre may be included in any discussion so that he may assist with any technology issues. Department meetings dealing with the professional development will be held twice a month. If possible, the campus technology coordinator may also assist in any department that requires some assistance with any particular objective concerns.

An aide will be used to cover classes if the Technology Specialist, member of the Campus Technology Cadre or the Campus Technology Coordinator is needed. This will be possible when administrators are advised before hand to ensure that all classes will be covered and that no technology class interference occurs.

The evaluation for the use of the Smart boards can be performed three times a year to assess the progress and success of the action plan. The first time survey would be immediately following the professional development training to check on its feasibility. For the second evaluation, the same survey would be forwarded to the participants at the end of the first semester to see if the use of the Smart boards had any effectiveness. The final and last evaluation would be given by sending the same survey at the end of year. The evaluation results will indicate whether the use of the Smart boards was a good technology tool for improving student learning, data gathering and monitoring, and enhance instructional strategies. If the survey indicates a positive feedback on the use of the Smart boards on student achievement, the administrative leaders should consider placing aside a budget to add more Smart boards beginning with the core content teachers’ classroom.

The final evaluation will come at the end of the year when our campus receives the reports and analyze the progress level for the STaR Chart, AEIS report, meeting AYP, NCLB, Texas Long Range Technology Plan, District Technology Plan, District Technology Improvement Plan and Campus Technology Improvement Plan.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Texas Long Range Plan for Technology

Educator Preparation and Development

The description of the educator preparation and development mainly includes all educators. All educators graduate from an educator preparation program that models current technology in instructional and administrative practices Pre K- 12. All educators exit educator preparation programs knowing how to use technology effectively in the teaching-learning process as demonstrated by the SBEC Technology Applications Standards. All educators develop new learning environments that utilize technology as a flexible tool where learning is collaborative, interactive and customized for the individual learner. All educators ensure full integration of appropriate technology throughout all curriculum and instruction. The classroom experiences are dependent on the educator taking personal learning through continuous professional development. Teachers need to learn how to incorporate technology to enhance their curriculum and student achievement that only technology can make possible. Educator preparation must help beginning teachers understand the different uses of technology for the 21st century students. Beginning teachers need to be prepared to teach today’s digital generation. Distance learning and online learning is important strategy for teachers to use in their classroom instruction. There are six focus areas and four levels of progress for the area of educator preparation and development. The six focus areas are content of professional development, models of professional development, capabilities of educators, access to professional development, levels of understanding and patterns of use, and professional development for online learning. The four levels of progress are early tech, developing tech, advanced tech and target tech. In the year 2007-2008 our campus key area star classification was an advanced tech. This was for the areas of teaching and learning, educator preparation and development, leadership, administration and instructional support, and infrastructure for technology that our campus’s key area star classification was an advanced tech. Teaching and learning and educator preparation and development had a key area total of 16. Leadership, administration and instructional support and infrastructure for technology had a key area total of 15. In the year 2008-2009 our campus key area star classification was decreased to a developing tech from an advanced tech. This was for the areas of teaching and learning, educator preparation and development, leadership, administration and instructional support, and infrastructure for technology that our campus’s key area star classification was decreased to a developing tech. Teaching and learning and educator preparation and development, and leadership, administration and instructional support had a key area total of 12. Infrastructure for technology had a key area total of 13. Recommendations for improvement in this area would be a continuous up to date professional development for every teacher. This would include beginning teachers, experienced teachers and veteran teachers.

Citation: http://starchart.esc12.net/

Citation: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/technology/EktronAttach/FinalCombinedLRPT.pdf

Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology


The Texas Long Range Plan for Technology is important for all school districts and school campuses to maintain a steady increase in the preparation of all of our student population in the area of technology. There exists a Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020, and it is a comprehensive strategic plan divided into four domains: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for Technology. Texas teachers participate in a national survey that show how often they use technology and how the use of technology impacts or affects them on a daily basis. The results of the survey can be a guide on what needs to be improved or changed in the classrooms and at home. We must stay ahead of the global change that exists in the world of technology. The focus is to impact student achievement by providing necessary tools and resources for administrators, teachers librarians and for all students. This will cover technology literacy and integration, digital content, school library programs and distance learning. As an instructional leader it is important to be guiding technology use and integration at the campus level. It will assist instructional leader because they will know how vital it is to achieve this goal for all my stakeholders and that there exists a time frame. It is important to know that there are three phases in this technology plan. The plan is on going and requires frequent review and revision as changes are required. As an instructional leader, they will have to stress the vital importance this plan is to all teachers, students, parents and the community. Integrating this plan in every subject area on my campus, stressing professional development for all faculty and staff, and budgeting funds to accomplish this future goal and objective in technology is the major priority of this technology plan. All students will benefit and will be able to meet the challenges and demands of the 21st century.

Citation: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/comm/leg_reports/2008/08pr_to_lrpt.pdf.

National Educational Technology Draft Plan

The Plan describes how information and communication technologies can help transform American education. It provides goals to inform state and local educational technology plans, and recommendations to inspire research, development, and innovation. The 21st century learning in this plan is engaging and empowering learning for all students. It enhances state-of-the art technology into the curriculum to enable, motivate, and inspire all students to achieve. It enhances the power of technology to provide personalized learning. Critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration and multimedia communication are the main focuses in all subject areas like math, science, history, art, English language arts or music. Technology can help improve learning and assessment. And just like technology can help improve learning and assessment it can also help educators change their teaching in order to transform our education system. Teachers need to strengthen the teaching profession with the tools and resources of technology. It is important to hire and retain educators that will achieve this learning goal. Educators need to use learning data and tools to directly impact student learning that will support them inside and outside school grounds. Students need to become self-directed learners. Technology makes teaching a team activity. Educators need to create an online learning community on their school campuses and school districts. Educators need to receive professional development and training in order to achieve the goals set for the 21st century student. “Technology can inspire imagination and intellectual curiosity that help people engage actively as learners and open new channels for success or visions of career possibilities.” “As good as technology-based assessment and data systems might be, educators need support in learning how to use them. An important direction for development and implementation of technology-based assessment systems is the design of technology-based tools that can help educators manage the assessment process, analyze data, and take appropriate action.” With support, professional development and proper training, educators can increase the level of progress to a target tech level for their campuses and school districts.

Citation: http://www.ed.gov/sites/default/files/NETP-2010-final-report.pdf