Sunday, March 20, 2011

District and Campus

Technology Leadership Roles:

School Board Trustees- Responsible for asking questions about the school district and making informative decisions about technology and technology development.

Superintendent- Inform the school board of district technology needs and challenges. Responsible for directing the technology budget and ensuring that technology is a priority in the school district. Provides campus administrators with access to district resources needed to achieve goals and objectives. Follows and re-enforces the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

District Executive Technology Director- Organizes and implements the District Technology Plan. Supervises technology departments, faculty and decisions. Responsible for allocation of funds and Technology Budget. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

District Director of Instructional Technology- Provides district technology professional development for all stakeholders in the district. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Responsible for district campus technology integration and assistance with new equipment training sessions.

Administration- Collaborate with district Director of Technology and Director of instructional Technology to stay informed of changes or additions to the usage of technology. Collaborate with CTC in order that the faculty receives training on the usage of technology in their classrooms to increase student learning. Tentatively set date for on-going technology training and meetings. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Model and support the use of technology to all stakeholders.

Campus Technology Coordinator- Presents staff development training on new programs and promotes technology usage on campus. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020. Help, support, and troubleshoot with teachers, administrators and students on issues or problems concerning technology.

Campus Technology Cadre- Model technology usage in faculty training sessions. Help and support technology integration and the significance of its usage in the classroom. Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020.

Teachers- Follows the district’s guidelines for technology integration. Integrating technology by enhancing and enriching curriculum with a variety of technology tools. Exposing students to the new digital age and the internet. Model technology usage to students. Seek professional growth by attending technology workshops. Teach cyber ethics and internet safety.

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