Sunday, March 20, 2011

Integrating Technology

Professional Development Plan

Our campus received a recognized rating on the AEIS report this last year and our campus is striving to reach exemplary rating this coming year. The data of the Texas STaR Chart report shows that level of progress decreased from the year 2007-2008 to 2008-2009. Our school campus decreased from advanced tech to develop tech. Other data reviewed in order to improve our decision-making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership were the Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020, AEIS, AYP, District Technology Plan, District Technology Improvement Plan, Campus Technology Improvement Plan, NCLB, Texas STaR Chart and Interviews with the Principal, Campus Technology Coordinator, Teacher member of the SBDM and two students. The purpose of this plan is to develop a source of helpful information on professional development in technology integration as well as sharing best practices of current lesson plan that demonstrate effective uses of technology that align with the TEKS. Professional Development Planning is designed for professional growth options for groups of teachers, students, parents and staff. The topics will be Smart Boards, Web Page update, Fastt Math, Study Island, Gaggle and Net trekker presentation for the year 2010-2011 tentative. The presenters are the technology cadres and the funds available are $5,000. The action plan strategy is technology. The targets are teachers, parents and students will make use of the program to keep abreast of strategies. Focus on Differentiated Instruction and lessoning planning for the year 2010-2011. The presenters are instructional leadership team and the funds available are $10,000. The action plan strategy is technology. Students will utilize the program to improve TAKS scores is the target. The area to focus on is the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference for spring 2011. The funds available are $5,000. The action plan strategy is to enhance student achievement in all core subjects. The target is to improve student achievement on all core TAKS tests. In addition to the staff development collaboration and to follow up on the staff development session, in the next four faculty meetings a brief presentation from one of the core subjects will occur using technology on one unit they enriched. Our faculty really responds well to any brief presentation about what others teachers are doing to make their lessons more engaging and relevant for our students. Teachers are extremely creative and innovative in their lessons and when they are given time to work together the possibilities are endless. It also motivates those teachers who a little hesitate to try new things.

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